Case studies
Our case studies utilise in-depth analysis of individual cases to gain a better understanding of unique circumstances, contributing to improved decision-making and outcomes in various fields, including healthcare and social sciences.

Research question to OPC: Investigate the association between specific inhaler errors and asthma outcomes.
Our response: Conduction of the best practice asthma Clinical Reviews by OPC nurses working on behalf of GP practices. This process included collection of data from more than 5000 patients covering demographic characteristics, asthma symptoms, and inhaler errors observed by purposefully trained health care professionals.
Characteristics of Patients Preferring Once-Daily Controller Therapy for Asthma and COPD: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Research question to OPC: Identify characteristics of patients with asthma or COPD who prefer a once-daily controller medication regimen.
Our response: Questionnaires were included as part of standard clinical assessments and were completed by patients to evaluate a number of relevant factors: patient preference for once-daily therapy, disease severity, asthma or COPD control, health status, exacerbation history, attitudes and beliefs towards medication and medication adherence.
Reach Study
Research question to OPC: Investigate the clinical and cost effectiveness of switching typical asthma patients from FP-SAL to efBDP-FOR.
Our response: Targeted Extractions to identify early adopters following the product launch and offering our Clinical Review services to enable fast delivery of available data for analysis.